A monthly report on pesticides and related environmental issues

Animated spider

Issue No. 139, September 1997

Open Forum:
In an attempt to promote free and open discussion of issues, The Agrichemical and Environmental News encourages letters and articles with differing views. To include an article, contact: Dr. Catherine Daniels, Food and Environmental Quality Laboratory, 2710 University Drive, Richland, WA 99352-1671, ph: 509-372-7495, fax: 509-372-7491,
E-mail: cdaniels@tricity.wsu.edu

Note: Based on instructions from WSU CAHE administration, information in this newsletter not originating from WSU contains a headline in the same color as the word "Note" at the beginning of this paragraph. This is to help ensure that readers can readily identify material obtained from a source outside WSU.

In This Issue

News and Notes  Pesticide Training Courses Scheduled
Profile of Washington Agriculture Pesticide Container Collection
Officially Unofficial PNN Update
EPA Creates Minor Use Team,
USDA Establishes New Office
State Issues
WSU Sponsoring Conference
on FQPA, Other Pesticide Issues
Federal Issues
Allan Felsot Tolerance Information


Note: The animated spider graphic appearing at this site is used with permission. Copyright and use information may be obtained at http://www.inscot.demon.co.uk

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News and Notes

Note: The AENews is accessible from the World Wide Web via http://picol.cahe.wsu.edu
Enter this address carefully, paying close attention to punctuation and spacing (no spaces between parts of the address). Some readers may experience difficulties accessing the site. These are believed to be related to the Internet and to on-line services, not the web site. If you are having a problem accessing the web page, please inform Dr. Catherine Daniels (ph: 509-372-7495, fax: 509-372-7491, E-mail: cdaniels@tricity.wsu.edu


AENews mailing list to be updated

Postcards to request continued receipt of the newsletter were sent in mid-September to Agrichemical and Environmental News subscribers. To remain on the mailing list, readers must fill out these post cards and return them by October 15.

For your information

The Washington State Commission on Pesticide Registration is accepting proposals for research on pesticides. Proposals are due by November 10. If you are interested in obtaining support for IR-4 projects or Section 18s in 1998, now is the time to make your requests known. If you are unsure of the impact the Food Quality Protection Act may have on your crop or site, now is the time to investigate. For all of these issues, you can contact Alan Schreiber at 509-372-7324 or at aschreib@tricity.wsu.edu for assistance or more information.

WPCA plans annual meeting

The Washington Pest Control Association plans its 1997 annual meeting for November 13 and 14 at the Yakima Convention Center.

This year's meeting is designed to meet the needs of crop consultants. It will include opportunities to learn about products used in crop production this past year, progress reports on the development of new chemicals, and how the industry can continue to address environmental issues currently receiving great attention from the non-farm public.

Some topics included in the general session are the following: Bullet proof your diagnosis, How insecticides work, Powdery mildew in hops 1997, Genesis - creation of new wheat varieties, and How application technology can make pesticide use compatible with environmental stewardship. Concurrent sessions will include demonstration of new technology and discussion of such topics as tree fruit, turf & ornamentals, row crops, irrigation technology and management, and chemical thinning.

Preregistration is $65. On-site registration is $75. Registration includes Thursday lunch, subscription to Agrichemical and Environmental News, annual dues ($10) and door prizes. Make checks payable to Washington Pest Consultants Association and mail to the association at P.O. Box 2456, Yakima, WA 98907. Please include with your check a printed note including your name, name of the company you represent, mailing and E-mail addresses, and phone and fax numbers.

A block of rooms has been reserved at the Holiday Inn, one block east of the Yakima Convention Center at 9 North 9th St., phone: 509-452-6511. Please be certain to say you are attending the Washington Pest Consultants Annual Meeting.

Profile of Washington Agriculture

Agriculture is a major force in Washington state's economy. The gross value of Washington's agricultural commodities exceeds $23 billion, including processing, distribution and marketing.

The state's 36,000 farms cover some 15.7 million acres (37% of the state's total area) and provide more than 136,000 jobs during the year. Exports of agricultural products in 1994 totaled $2.35 billion; these exports generated significant revenue and jobs for the state's ports and transportation companies.

But while the industry is large, Washington's farms are small. For example, even though apples are the state's number one crop, the average farm size is only 42 acres. Most farms are family owned and operated. Only 44% of the state's farms are large enough to generate annual sales in excess of $10,000. The majority receives no federal or state subsidies.

Crops grown in Washington are seasonal, and the demand for workers is seasonal as well.


The Washington Pest Management Exposition scheduled for October 23 in Yakima, following the PNW Pesticide Issues Conference, has been canceled. The meeting was canceled because projected attendance was insufficient to cover meeting costs. For more information on this subject, please contact me, Alan Schreiber, at 509-372-7324. I regret any inconvenience this may have caused anyone.

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Officially Unofficial

...Alan Schreiber

"Officially Unofficial" is a regular feature that may include information considered inappropriate by some.

Alan Schreiber

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EPA creates minor use team,
USDA establishes new office

The U.S. Department of Agriculture in early September announced the creation of a new Office of Pest Management to serve as the focal point for USDA's pesticide regulatory issues.

The basic mission of USDA's new office is to respond to EPA's need for high quality pesticide data and to be responsive to the agricultural community in meeting critical needs that may develop as a result of the Food Quality Protection Act, Deputy Agriculture Secretary Richard Rominger said at a September 8 news briefing.

The new pesticide office will incorporate the work previously handled by USDA's National Agricultural Pesticide Impact Assessment Program, as well as other pesticide activities, Rominger said.

EPA Assistant Administrator for Prevention, Pesticides and Toxic Substances Lynn Goldman announced, jointly, that the agency has established a new "Minor Use Program Team." The team leader will report directly to the director of the Office of Pesticide Programs. Members of the team will include representatives from each of OPP's divisions: field and external affairs, information resources and management, biopesticides and pollution prevention, antimicrobials, special review and registration, environmental fate and effects, health effects, and biological and economic analysis.

Goldman said the new minor use team will focus on three goals: obtaining the best available pesticide usage data; increasing communications with the growers in the minor use community; and promoting the development of safer pesticides for minor uses by urging registrants to conduct research on minor use crops.

Steve Johnson, deputy director of OPP, told Pesticide and Toxic Chemical News that the agency will announce an acting team leader during the next two weeks and will set up a process to look for a permanent leader. "We'll be looking at a wide range of options, inside EPA and outside the agency" - including, possibly, a grower to fill the post, he added.

A "minor use" pesticide is generally defined as one used on a commercial agricultural crop with a total U.S. acreage of less than 300,000 acres. Minor use crops include many fruits, vegetables and ornamentals produced in the United States worth billions of dollars, EPA noted. There are several hundred minor use crops, including all crops except the following: almonds, apples, barley, beans (dry and snap), canola, corn (sweet and field), cotton, grapes, hay (alfalfa and other), oats, oranges, peanuts, pecans, popcorn, potatoes, rice, rye, sorghum, soybeans, sugar beets, sugarcane, sunflower, tobacco, tomatoes, turf, and wheat.

"Issues about minor uses are not minor, nor are they few," Goldman said, noting that 70% of the work of the OPP staff is related to minor uses.

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WSU sponsoring conference on FQPA,
other pesticide issues

The Washington State University Pesticide Education Program is sponsoring a day-long conference on pesticide issues to be held October 22, 1997, at the DoubleTree Inn in Yakima.

Registration is $45 per person. Lunch and beverages are included. On-site registrations are welcome if space is available. Further information about the conference and registration may be obtained from the Washington State University Pesticide Education Program, P.O. Box 646382, Pullman, WA 99164-6382; phone: 509-335-9204 or 335-9222; fax: 509-335-1009; E-mail: trokal@wsu.edu.

Persons with a disability requiring special accommodation while participating in this conference may call Lynda Troka at 509-335-9204. If accommodation is not requested in advance, there can be no guaranteed availability of accommodation on site.

2nd Pacific Northwest Pesticide Issues Conference Agenda

7:30 & 8:00 Registration & Welcome Carol Ramsay Washington State Univ.
8:15-9:00 How the Food Quality Protection Act Came to Be and Its Benefits Chuck Benbrook Private Consultant
9:00-9:40 The "Risk Cup": How FQPA Calculates Risk -- A Panel on Risk Assessment Richard Fenske Univ. of Washington
9:40- 9:55 Break    
9:55-11:45 "The Risk Cup" Panel continued Mike Willett

Ray McAllister

Jeff Jenkins

NW Horticultural Council

Dir. Regulatory Affairs,
American Crop Protection
Assoc., Washington, D.C.

Oregon State University
11:45-1:00 Lunch    
1:00-1:45 FQPA - Common Mechanism of Action: What Will Science Support? Allan Felsot WSU - Food & Environ.
Quality Lab (FEQL)
1:45-2:45 Update on the Status of FQPA Jake MacKenzie EPA - Off. Pesticide Prog.
2:45-3:00 Break    
3:00-4:00 FQPA - Impacts on Agricultural Production in the Pacific Northwest Alan Schreiber




4:00 Adjourn    

Farm Employment in Washington

Source: Agricultural Employment in Washington State 1995

Washington State Employment Security

1995 Jan. Feb. Mar. Apr. May Jun. Jul. Aug. Sept. Oct. Nov. Dec.






















































Out of state














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Endocrine disruptor worries here to stay

 ...Allan Felsot

Allan Felsot is the environmental toxicologist at the Washington State University Food and Environmental Quality Laboratory

Last month's Agrichemical & Environmental News highlighted press stories of the public retraction of endocrine disruptor research conducted at Tulane University. From the press coverage, some might believe the Tulane University research representative of the entire issue and the subject of endocrine disruptors laid to rest. To paraphrase Mark Twain, however, news of the death of the endocrine disruptor scare is a bit premature.

Debate over chemicals that could potentially harm the endocrine system promises to be as lively as uncertainties about whether humans have caused global warming and whether action to prevent it, if even possible, is warranted. But there is a big difference. Endocrine disruption, as a risk factor, is now codified into law, namely the Safe Drinking Water Act, and more importantly for the agricultural community, the Food Quality Protection Act. Thus, on policy considerations alone, chemicals that interact with the multifaceted endocrine system - endocrine disruptors - have been elevated in regulatory opinion to the importance of chemicals causing cancer.

Indeed, close examination of the biochemistry of the endocrine system and a myriad of laboratory experiments on chemicals with hormone-like activity, have led me to conclude that the issue is the "bridge to the 21st century" for any advocacy group that wishes to see agricultural chemicals disappear. I've wondered a lot lately whether industry realizes what a potential mess it has gotten itself, and by association our farmers, into by its passive support of the FQPA last year. Nevertheless, the issue is here to stay, and it's time we start educating ourselves about it.

The Endocrine System - One Part of the Body's "Computer" Internet

If we are ever to rationally discuss whether chemicals can disrupt the endocrine system, we must start from the basics. A useful model for understanding the endocrine system is to view it as part of a worldwide computer network. Computers are now linked to provide worldwide communication through the Internet. This interdependent network utilizes main computer servers or nodes at key places throughout the world. Your individual computer may communicate with a particular node that then sends messages from your computer to another node or directly to another computer. The receiving node or computer can give feedback to the sending node or computer, establishing a two-way interactive system of communication. Meanwhile, the individual computer initiating the message has within itself parts like the CPU (central processing unit), ROM (read-only memory), the hard disk, and the video screen that conduct two-way communication among themselves.

Think of the endocrine system as one node of a body internet that includes the nervous system and the immune system as the other nodes. Each of these nodes communicates within its own system and with each other. While computers within themselves and across the Internet communicate via a combination of electrical signals and telecommunication microwaves beamed to satellites and back, the body's internet communicates information across the nodes via a system of chemical messengers.

The chemical messengers of the endocrine system are called hormones. Ductless glands produce hormones and release (secrete) them directly into the blood stream. The most well known hormones are sex steroids like estrogen, produced by the ovaries, and testosterone, produced by the testes. Estrogen and testosterone are also produced in the adrenal glands associated with the kidneys of both sexes. Testosterone can be changed into estrogen by an enzyme called aromatase that is prevalent in brain cells. Thus, males have low levels of estrogen as well as testosterone in their blood. Other well-known hormones include those produced by the thyroid (thyroxin) and pancreas (insulin). The speed with which hormones can work, and an indication of their ability to communicate with the brain, is illustrated by how fast one flinches upon seeing an oncoming object. This behavior is mediated by the hormone adrenaline, produced in the adrenal glands and in the brain.

In the nervous system, the messengers are called neurotransmitters. These are released at the endings or junctions between nerves or between nerves and muscle or glands. These junctions are actually very tiny physical spaces into which chemical messengers are released. For example, acetylcholine is a chemical released at nerve endings that permits an electrical nervous impulse traveling across the fibers of a nerve to be transmitted to an adjacent nerve, where a new electrical signal is propagated. An intimate connection between the nervous and endocrine systems is made through the communication of neurotransmitters with the hypothalamus and pituitary, two endocrine glands in the brain. When stimulated, these glands release hormones that circulate throughout the body to affect other organs, including the sex glands.

The thymus gland, lying near the heart, is the master controller of the immune system; it regulates production of the myriad immune cells and antibodies. Certain immune cells produce hormones called cytokines that can interact with the brain. In response, the brain may produce hormones that affect other glands and organs, including the thymus.

Translating the Message

From the blood, hormones interact with cells by binding to special proteins called receptors. Many organs and glands contain receptors for one or more hormones. Receptors are located in membranes on the outer cell surfaces or on the nucleus. The nucleus of the cell contains all the genetic information, which is stored in the DNA, the information-containing biochemical polymers comprising the genes. The chemical messenger binds with the receptor like a key in a lock. When enough receptors are bound by the messenger, the lock is opened and a signal is transferred to the DNA. The DNA is "awakened", setting in motion a chain of events that causes the genes to produce proteins necessary for proper functioning of the individual cells, tissues, and organs. Translation of the message by target cells results in physiological reactions ultimately responsible for stimulating, regulating, and maintaining proper metabolism, development, growth, reproduction, and behavior.

The hormones stimulate physiological responses at incredibly minuscule concentrations. For example, estrogen can stimulate growth of cells at levels equivalent to parts per trillion. Furthermore, the timing of the messages is crucial to normal development, especially in fetal development. The right amount of hormone must be present at the right time for a male or female to develop normally. Studies with mice have shown that higher than normal amounts of estrogen at the wrong time during pregnancy can cause genetic males to behave more like females, and in some cases to develop female-like genitals.

Hormone concentration and timing is crucial not only to sexual development, but also to normal development of the brain. A malfunctioning endocrine system during fetal or infant development could potentially alter the proper functioning of the immune system in later adult life. In short, the endocrine system and its interactions with the brain and immune system are exquisitely balanced and timed.

A Promiscuous Flaw

The various hormones function like keys for specific receptors by virtue of their three-dimensional molecular structure. Unfortunately, the receptors can also be activated by chemicals whose molecular structure mimics the natural hormones. Chemicals with this ability - endocrine disruptors - can act in a variety of ways as indicated by EPA's working definition: endocrine disruptors "interfere with the synthesis, secretion, transport, binding, action, or elimination of natural hormones in the body that are responsible for the maintenance of homeostasis [normal cell metabolism], reproduction, development, and/or behavior." The list of chemicals with endocrine disrupting potential is growing but generally contains various pesticides, persistent chlorinated organics like PCBs and dioxins, plasticizers, surfactants, and heavy metals. But the list also includes natural biochemicals: mycotoxins produced by fungi and chemicals produced by fruit and vegetables (called phytoestrogens).

EPA's definition of an endocrine disruptor covers a wide array of possible effects. A discussion of the concerns can be found in the EPA special report, "Environmental Endocrine Disruption: An Effects Assessment and Analysis." Most media attention has focused on chemicals acting like estrogen, but this is only one mode of action. More important are the potential endpoints or diseases in humans: breast cancer and endometriosis in women, testicular and prostate cancers in men, abnormal sexual development, reduced male fertility, alteration in pituitary and thyroid gland functions, immune suppression, and neurobehavior effects.

While many of these adverse effects in humans are only hypothesized as being associated with endocrine disruptors, some scientists argue that enough evidence has accumulated to conclude a cause and effect relationship between endocrine disruptors and disease in wildlife. Adverse effects include abnormal thyroid function and development in fish and birds; decreased fertility in shellfish, fish, birds, and mammals; decreased hatching success in fish, birds, and reptiles; demasculinization and feminization of fish, birds, reptiles, and mammals; defeminization and masculinization of gastropods, fish, and birds; decreased offspring survival; and alteration of immune and behavioral function in birds and mammals.

Dose Still Makes the Poison

In past essays, I have written about the use of extremely high dosing required by the EPA for tests of carcinogenic potential of pesticides, and I have questioned the validity of the results for assessing the effects of exposure to the very tiny environmental concentrations. I am ready to make similar conclusions about the applicability of endocrine disruptor screening to real world exposures. The current laboratory testing procedures for endocrine disruptors do show that certain chemicals can activate the estrogen receptor or block activation of the testosterone receptor. However, the doses required to show these effects in a test-tube type experiment are thousands to millions of times greater than for the natural hormones. Such observations suggest that environmental concentrations of the "endocrine disruptors" may be irrelevant to production of a biological effect.

Endocrine disrupting potential of pesticides like DDT has been tested by directly feeding such compounds to rats. Adverse effects on sexual development have been reported, but the dosing rate was millions of times greater than what humans are normally exposed to in food. Thus, with regard to testing methodology, endocrine disruptors seem to be in the same boat as carcinogens.

Research reported by Tulane University in 1996 suggested that perhaps very low doses of endocrine disruptors were physiologically important. The researchers purportedly showed that two or more chlorinated hydrocarbon pesticides administered together could have a synergistic endocrine disruptive action at doses a thousand-fold lower than the doses causing the same activity when alone. When dieldrin and endosulfan were dosed together at levels equivalent to parts per billion, an estrogenic effect was observed; when given alone, parts per million were required to produce the same effect. However, no other laboratory was able to duplicate the results of the synergism experiment, and finally the researchers at Tulane themselves admitted they could not repeat their own observations.

Nevertheless, Tulane's retraction has not quieted the storm. Regardless of whether synergistic interactions occur at low doses, scientists still have shown that doses of two or more chemicals can be additive, albeit the concentrations necessary for an effect are extremely high. Perhaps stronger cases for widespread problems linked to endocrine disruptors will be made when the dosing becomes more realistic and thresholds for effects are determined.

Meanwhile, the FQPA required EPA to certify screening tests for endocrine disruptors within three years of the act's passage. Eventually, all pesticides will be subjected to the approved battery of tests. EPA has two more years to meet the FQPA-mandated deadline. Regardless of whether EPA meets the FQPA deadline, worries about endocrine disruptors are not going away.

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Pesticide training courses scheduled

The 1997-1998 Pesticide Training courses coordinated by Carol Ramsay and Carrie Foss are scheduled. Brochures go to press September 19 and will be in the mail by October 14 to all county offices and licensed pesticide applicators. Those interested in information prior to receiving the brochures may contact one of the individuals listed below. Registration fees for WSU employees are reduced for EARLY registrations ($20/day instead of $30/day).


CE Pesticide Conferences, pest@cahe.wsu.edu, 509-335-2830
Carol Ramsay, ramsay@wsu.edu, 509-335-9222
Carrie Foss, cfoss@wsu.edu, 253-445-4577
Lynda Troka, trokal@wsu.edu, 509-335-9204

There are several changes and new program locations:

Special Pre-license aquatics: Tacoma Feb. 25 Moses Lake Pre-license moved to Wenatchee Feb. 3, 4, 5

New Recertification:

Tacoma (not Lynnwood) Nov. 13 & 14
Vancouver Dec. 5
Everett (not Lynnwood) Jan. 21 & 22
Silverdale Jan. 27 & 28
Bellingham Jan. 30, Feb. 20
Wenatchee Feb. 4, 5
Tacoma Feb. 26 & 27

RECERTIFICATION web site: http://www.wsu.edu:8080/~ramsay/wsurec.html

Eastern Washington

Western Washington

Okanogan Nov. 12 Tacoma Nov. 13 & 14
Pasco Nov. 13 & 14 Vancouver Dec. 5
Pasco-Spanish Nov. 14 Fife Jan. 7 & 8
Pasco Jan. 13 & 14 Kelso Jan. 14 & 15
Moses Lake Jan. 15 & 16 Everett Jan. 21 & 22
Pullman Jan. 21 & 22 Silverdale Jan. 27 & 28
Yakima Jan. 28 & 29 Bellingham Jan. 30
Wenatchee Feb. 4 & 5 Mount Vernon Feb. 4 & 5
Spokane Feb. 18 & 19 Bellevue Feb. 18 & 19
    Bellingham Feb. 20
    Tacoma Feb. 26 & 27
    Olympia March 3 & 4

PRE-LICENSE web site: http://www.wsu.edu:8080/~ramsay/wsuplt.html

Eastern Washington

Western Washington

Pasco January 12, 13 & 14 Fife January 6, 7 & 8
Pullman January 20, 21 & 22 Kelso January 13, 14 & 15
Yakima January 27, 28 & 29 Everett January 20, 21 & 22
Wenatchee February 3, 4 & 5 Mount Vernon February 3, 4 & 5
Spokane February 17, 18 & 19 Tacoma February 23, 24 & 25

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Plastic pesticide container collection
dates, requirements

  1. Must be multiple rinsed, so that no residues remain.
  2. Must be clean and dry inside and out, with no apparent odor.
  3. Hard plastic lids and slip-on lids must be removed.
  4. Glue-on labels may remain.
  5. The majority of the foil seal must be removed from the spout. A small amount of foil remaining on the container rims is acceptable.
  6. Half pint, pint, quart, one and two-and-a half-gallon containers will be accepted whole.
  7. Five-gallon containers will be accepted whole, if the lids and bails are removed.
  8. Special arrangements must be made for 30-gallon and 55-gallon containers, by calling (509) 457-3850 prior to the collection.

**Containers that do not meet the above specifications cannot be accepted.**


Washington Pest Consultants Association
Container Collection Dates

Please put these dates on your calendars and help notify pesticide users of the program, so that containers do not become a waste issue. Taking time to clean and recycle these reusable products can save money and prove that the industry is responsible in its use of pesticides.

Date Site Sponsor (contact) Phone
4 (8 a.m.-noon) NW Wholesale, Chelan NW Wholesale (Herb Teas) (509) 662-2141
5 (8 a.m.-noon) Wenatchee Tree Fruit Station Farm Bureau (Dale Goldy) (509) 884-0711
10 (8 a.m.-noon) Western Farm Service, Bruce Western Farm Service (Tony Eglet)
Simplot Soil Builders (Rich Jaeger)
Wolfkill Feed & Fertilizer (Brook MacGillvray)
Cenex Supply (Gene Johnston)
(509) 488-5227
(509) 488-2132

(509) 488-3338
(509) 488-5261
24 (8 a.m.-noon) Dept. of Transportation, Ellensburg Kittitas Co. Solid Waste (Suzzane Tarr)
Cooperative Extension (Tom Hoffman)
509) 962-7698
(509) 962-7507
21 (8 a.m.-11 a.m.) Western Farm Service, Waterville Western Farm Service (John Massey) (509) 838-5007
21 (1 p.m.-4 p.m.) Western Farm Service, Coulee City Western Farm Service (John Massey) (509) 838-5007
22 (8 a.m.-11 a.m.) Western Farm Service, Davenport Western Farm Service (John Massey) (509) 838-5007
22 (1 p.m.-4 p.m.) Western Farm Service, Reardan Western Farm Service (John Massey) (509) 838-5007
23 (8 a.m.-noon) Western Farm Service, Rosalia Western Farm Service (John Massey) (509) 838-5007
30 (9 a.m.-2 p.m.) Snipes Mtn. Transfer Station

Cardboard Accepted

Yakima County (Mark Nedrow) (509) 574-2457
31 (8:30 a.m.-2 p.m.) Terrace Heights Landfill

Cardboard Accepted

Yakima County (Mark Nedrow) (509) 574-2457

For more information about plastic pesticide container collection, contact:

Steve George, WPCA Recycling Coordinator,
31 High Valley View St. Yakima, WA 98901
(509) 457-3850 or point your
World Wide Web browser to

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PNN Update

The information contained here is not to be construed as a substitute for obtaining and reading product labels. Always read the label before applying a pesticide.

The Pesticide Notification Network is operated by the Washington State University Pesticide Information Center for the Washington State Commission on Pesticide Registration. The PNN system is designed to distribute pesticide registration and label change information to groups representing Washington's pesticide users. The information below (with the exception of the tolerance data) is a summary of what has been distributed on the PNN within the past month.

The Pesticide Information Center (PIC) operates the Pesticide Information Center On-Line (PICOL) web page. This provides a label database, status on registrations, and information on related issues. PICOL can be accessed on the Internet at http://picol.cahe.wsu.edu. The PIC office phone number is (509) 372-7492.

State Issues

New Registrations

Section 24(c) Cancellations

Section 24(c) Revisions

Federal Issues

Label Changes

Manufacturers' Use Deletions


Manufacturers' Product Cancellations


Section 18 Crisis Exemptions

Tolerance Information

The following tolerances were granted by EPA since the last report (August 1997). These data do not mean that labels have been registered for these uses. These pesticides must not be used until labels are registered with EPA or a state department of agriculture.


A = adjuvant  FA = feed additive  I = insecticide 
D = desiccant  FM = fumigant  IN = inert 
D/H = desiccant, herbicide  G = growth regulator  N = nematicide 
F = fungicide  H = herbicide  P = pheromone 
R=rodenticide  V = viricide   VR= vertebrate repellent


Chemical Petitioner Tolerance


Coat protein of potato virus Y Monsanto exempt all raw agricultural commodities


Replicase proteins of potato leaf roll virus Monsanto exempt all raw agricultural commodities


Glyphosate EPA 4.0(a) kidney (cattle, goat, horse & sheep)
5.0(a) pea & lentil
200(a) pea, hay
60(a) pea, vine
90(a) silage, hay


Copper octanoate W. Neudorff GmbH KG exempt when used in accordance with good agricultural practice formulations applied to growing crops


Fludioxonil EPA 0.02(b) potato


Pyridate EPA 0.1(c) chickpea


Coat protein of papaya ringspot virus Cornell University exempt all raw agricultural commodities


Coat protein of cucumber mosaic virus Asgrow Seed Co exempt all raw agricultural commodities


Coat protein of watermelon mosaic virus-2 & zucchini yellow mosaic virus Cornell University exempt all raw agricultural commodities


Thiodicarb Rhone Poulenc 7.0 broccoli, cabbage, cauliflower
2.0 corn, sweet grain
0.4 cottonseed
0.8 hulls (cottonseed & soybean)
35 leafy vegetables (exempt Brassica vegetables)
0.2 soybean

a =

Time limited tolerance expires August 30, 1998

b =

Time limited tolerance expires August 1, 1998

c =

Time limited tolerance expires December 31, 1998

Tolerance Revocations

EPA is proposing the revocation of tolerance for the use of the fungicide vinclozolin for succulent beans (2.0 ppm) on October 1, 1999. For further information, contact Mark Wilhite at (703) 308-8586 or E-mail wilhite.mark@epamail.epa.gov.

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Contributors to the Agrichemical and Environmental News:

Alan Schreiber, Allan Felsot, Catherine Daniels, Mark Antone, Eric Bechtel, Jane Thomas

Contributions, comments and subscription inquiries may be directed to: Dr. Catherine Daniels, Food and Environmental Quality Laboratory, Washington State University, 2710 University Drive, Richland, WA 99352-1671, ph: 509-372-7495, fax: 509-372-7491, E-mail: cdaniels@tricity.wsu.edu


This page has been accessed  times since October 7, 1997.