A monthly report on pesticides and related environmental issues

Issue No. 123, May 1996

Open Forum:
In an attempt to promote free and open discussion of issues, The Agrichemical and Environmental News encourages letters and articles with differing views. To include an article, contact: Catherine Daniels, Food and Environmental Quality Laboratory, Washington State University, Tri-Cities campus, 2710 University Drive, Richland, WA 99352-1671. Phone: 509-372-7495. Fax: 509-372-7491. E-mail: cdaniels@tricity.wsu.edu

In This Issue

News and Notes History of Section 18s in Washington State
Available Reports The Relative Risk of Pesticides
A Glimpse Into Ag's Future EPA Cuts Support for Pesticide Training
USDA NASS Ag Chemical Use Soft White Wheat
Plastic Pesticide Container Dates, Requirements Officially Unofficial
Federal Issues State Issues

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News and Notes

Note: The AENews is now accessible from the World Wide Web via the Washington State Pesticide Page. The address for the page is:

Enter this address carefully, paying close attention to punctuation and spacing (no spaces between parts of the address). Some readers may experience difficulties accessing the site. These are believed to be related to the Internet and to on-line services, not the web site. If you are having a problem accessing the web page, please inform Catherine Daniels, Food and Environmental Quality Laboratory, Washington State University, Tri-Cities campus, 2710 University Drive, Richland, WA 99352-1671. Phone: 509-372-7495. Fax: 509-372-7491. E-mail: cdaniels@tricity.wsu.edu

EPA cuts pesticide safety training 88%

The Environmental Protection Agency last year provided $2,080,000 to the U.S. Department of Agriculture for pesticide applicator training (PAT). USDA provides the funds to states and territories on a formula basis for PAT programs. Washington, for example, receives about $26,000 a year in EPA pass-through funds for PAT.

Changes in agency priorities are causing reallocation of the types of funds EPA uses to support pesticide safety training programs. EPA is placing a higher priority on funding registration and reregistration efforts and has reduced PAT funds to $250,000.

The impact on state PAT programs is unclear. Of the 16 states and territories in the western U.S., however, the EPA funds represent more than 50% of PAT support for four states and from 25% to 49% of support for programs in another six.

PNW tree fruit production

The USDA Economic Research Service estimated recently that the farmgate value of Pacific Northwest tree fruit is approximately $1 billion. The combined production of Idaho, Oregon and Washington apples, sweet cherries and pears is 56%, 59% and 66%, respectively, of U.S. production.

Triforine not be reregistered

American Cyanamid and Ciba recently decided not to support triforine (Funginex) for reregistration. Funginex products will be available on an existing stocks basis only, unless some company or organization supports the chemical.

Oregon agriculture

The farmgate value of crops and livestock produced in Oregon hit a record $3.1 billion in 1995. The value of crops increased 10% from 1994, to $2.1 billion.

The greatest increase was in the value of wheat produced ($305 million). Nursery and greenhouse crops, worth $400 million, were the most valuable crops. The value of potatoes, hops, mint and sugarbeets increased, while the value of berries and vegetables decreased by 15% and 7%, respectively.

Oregon has as many as 50,000 farm workers at peak harvest periods during mid-summer. That number drops to about 17,000 in January. The average hourly wage earned by Oregon farm workers is $7.32.

Modified tomato approved in U.K.

The Flavr Savr tomato recently became the first genetically modified food item to be certified in Europe. The United Kingdom Ministry of Agriculture, Fisheries and Food certified the tomato as safe for consumption.

Pesticide report soon to be mailed

The EPA Annual Pesticide Production Report (Form 3540-16) for Pesticide Producing Establishments will be mailed in May. The report will be due 60 days from the agency's date of mailing. The actual date of mailing will be announced in the Federal Register. Questions should be directed to Jon Heller at EPA, 206-553-1970.

EPA, Canada to try sharing registration

The Environmental Protection Agency's Office of Pesticide Programs (OPP) and the Pest Management Regulatory Agency of Canada (PMRA) have agreed to a pilot joint registration of reduced risk pesticides with identical uses in the U.S. and Canada. The two agencies announced the agreement at the recent inaugural meeting in Washington of The North American Free Trade Agreement (NAFTA) Technical Working Group on Pesticides. The NAFTA subcommittee includes the U.S., Canada and Mexico and replaces the Canada-United States Trade Agreement Technical Working Group on Pesticides.

OPP and PMRA plan to divide work on joint registrations, with each country relying on data reviews completed by the other. The two agencies earlier conducted parallel reviews of pesticide studies and are satisfied now that the procedures and quality of review are similar enough to allow sharing and use of data reviews between the two countries. A report and executive summary of the results of the parallel pilot project will be available in May.

The two agencies also agreed to exchange reviews of studies supporting registration decisions, without first purging review documents of confidential business information. Under a separate agreement, the two agencies established specific procedures for such exchanges of data reviews. The need to purge confidential business information had earlier impeded the exchange of reviews.

The subcommittee is scheduled to reconvene in Ottawa in November.

Wheat export sales outpace last year

Following export sales of 2.1 million metric tons to China in January, U.S. wheat export sales in the 1995/96 marketing year, according to U.S. Wheat Associates (USW), are about 2 million metric tons (MMT) more than those of last year. Total export commitments are already at 92% of the USDA's export projections of 33.35 MMT for the year, with one third of the marketing year still remaining. A USDA forecast pegs 1995/96 U.S. fiscal year wheat exports at $5 billion, up from $4.3 billion last year. The increase is due to a combination of increased exports and the highest world wheat prices in 15 years.

Egypt, Asia, Latin America top buyers of U.S. wheat

The largest single buyer of U.S. wheat this year is Egypt, according to U.S. Wheat Associates. Egypt, the only non-Asian country among the top seven buyers, has purchased more than 4.5 million tons in the year so far.

Sales of U.S. wheat to Latin America are nearly double those of last year, with Colombia, Brazil, Chile, Ecuador, Mexico, Venezuela and Peru all actively participating in U.S. wheat purchases. Asia continues to be a strong buyer, accounting for more than 45% of all U.S. wheat exports.

You might be a farmer if...

(From the Washington Women for Survival of Agriculture newsletter)

WA pesticide registrations

By the end of 1995, the Washington State Department of Agriculture had determined that there were 8,514 pesticides with Section 3 (federal) registrations in Washington. During 1995, Washington awarded some 45 24c registrations, about 10% of all such registrations granted in the U.S.

As of February 1996, Washington had 334 Section 24c registrations. Total federal and state registered pesticides in Washington number approximately 8,848. The state of Nevada, with only a fraction of the agricultural and forestry industry and about one-third the population of Washington, has about 7,000 registrations. The reason for the similar number of registrations is that for many, if not most Section 3 registrations, registrants pay to register their products in as many states as possible. This makes the number of products registered in a state disproportionate to the volume of use.

Endocrine disruptors

Environmental contaminants, particularly those containing chlorine, that influence the endocrine systems of humans and wildlife are quickly becoming the hottest human health and environmental risk issue. The National Academy of Sciences, EPA and the Washington State Department of Health are grappling with how to assess the risk from the substances. In particular, EPA is gearing up for an assessment of the remaining organochlorine pesticides that remain on the U.S. market. These include primarily dicofol, methoxychlor, lindane, endosulfan and dienochlor.

Section 18s

Through May 8 of this year, EPA had received 327 requests for Section 18 emergency exemptions. Of these requests, 203 have been completed. Approximately 90% of the 203 requests have been granted. The average time from receipt to decision has been 59 days. When a few troublesome, time-consuming exemption requests are not included, EPA is close to its 50-day target for processing 18s.

Non-feed status for vegetable seeds continues payoff

The payoff continues for the Washington small-seeded vegetable seed industry's non-food, non-feed status. The combined effort by the Columbia Basin Vegetable Seed Association, Puget Sound Seed Growers Association, Washington State University Extension Service and Washington State Department of Agriculture streamlined the registration efforts for selected seed crops. Recent registrations for seed crops include prometryn (Caparol) for carrot, parsley, parsnip and dill, fluazifop-butyl (Fusilade) for alfalfa and all of the selected vegetable seed crops, sodium hypochlorite (Purechlor Sanitizer) for carrot, coriander, beet, pepper and tomato, and chlorothalonil (Bravo 720) for spinach and Swiss chard.

California wells tested for pesticides

The California Department of Pesticide Regulation in 1995 tested 3,322 wells for pesticides in 47 of California's 58 counties. Ninety percent of wells were free of detectable pesticide residues. Residues were found in 213 wells in 17 counties. Seven wells had one or more residues above health advisory levels. Compounds with verified detections in California well water in 1995 were atrazine (Trac), bromacil (Hyvar), diuron (Karmex), prometron (Pramitol) and simazine (Princep). Three pesticide breakdown products, diethyl-atrazine, deisopropyl-atrazine and 2,3,5,6-tetrachloroterephthalic acid, were also detected. Overall in the last 10 years, DPR has tested 19,725 wells. Of these, 15,547 wells were found to have no detectable pesticides. One or more residues were detected in 4,178 wells; however, only 789 of these detections are verifiable. In order for a detection to be verified, the residue would have to verified by a second analytical method or another laboratory, or a second sample taken from the well within 30 days would have to contain the residue.

EPA's budget

Eight months into the fiscal year, Congress has acted on EPA's budget for fiscal year 1996. Congress had originally proposed cutting the agency's budget 25% to 30%. Instead, Congress gave EPA $6.5 billion, which is a $100 million decrease or about 1.5% less than the budget for last year.

The proposed 1997 budget includes $82.1 million for the Office of Pesticide Programs. This will support the equivalent of 862 full-time staff positions. Approximately $37.4 million and 360 positions will be for registration, reregistration and tolerance activities. According to Dan Barolo, OPP Office Director, "This is not an increase in level of effort from the previous year."

OPP's Registration Division turned out a record number of registration decisions in 1995 and had 200 fewer registration decisions pending than at the end of 1994. However, the division still has 2,400 registration decisions pending.

Registration times

The average time between discovery of a pesticide and its initial registration is 14.8 years in the U.S., compared to 9.6 years elsewhere.

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The history of Section 18s in Washington state

Washington state has a long (25 year) and colorful history of Section 18 requests. In one of the first requests in the U.S., the Washington State Department of Agriculture in 1972 requested the use of DDT for control of tussock moth in forests in 1973. The request formed the basis for 337 subsequent Section 18 applications by WSDA.

Of the 338 applications developed by WSDA, 17 failed to comply with state or federal request guidelines and were not forwarded to EPA. According to Ted Maxwell, Registration Manager for WSDA, untold numbers of other requests and inquiries for Section 18s have been turned down by WSDA.

Washington state submitted its second Section 18 request in 1975 for use of TEPP (Kilmite 40) on hops for control of two-spotted spider mite. Since 1977, the state has submitted between nine and 25 Section 18 requests annually to EPA. During the past eight years, Washington has averaged 21 requests annually.

The number of requests has remained relatively stable over time, with two general fluctuations. During the mid-1980s, WSDA tightened restrictions on the Section 18 process, resulting in the least number of requests submitted since 1975. Then, as the reregistration process began to result in the loss of pesticides toward the end of the 1980s, the number of requests increased to their highest levels ever.

A total of 82 active ingredients have been requested since 1972. Ten active ingredients represented 35.7% (121) of all requests. These included vinclozolin (Ronilan DF, 50W) (17), sethoxydim (Poast) (15), chlorpyrifos (Lorsban 4E) (14), abamectin (Agri-Mek) (14), clopyralid (Stinger) (14), bifenthrin (Brigade WSB/Capture 2EC) (13), permethrin (Ambush/Pounce) (12), glyphosate (Roundup) (12), benomyl (Benlate 50W) (11) and metalaxyl (Ridomil 2E) (11). Twenty-five active ingredients were requested once.

Section 18 requests for 46 crops or sites have been developed. Six crops represented nearly half of all requests (48.5% or 164 requests). These included hop (32), raspberry (32), wheat (29), pear (27), mint (24) and lentil (20). Crops that have been the subject of many requests over a long period of time include hop, blueberry, wheat, lentil, pear, cranberry and mint. Crops that have been the subject of many requests only within the last 10 years include potato, dry pea, strawberry and canola. According to Art Losey, retired Assistant Director of Agriculture in charge of the WSDA Pesticide Management Division, the number of requests for a particular crop is directly tied to two interrelated factors. First, growers who make the most requests are organized. These organizations have dedicated personnel available to pursue requests on behalf of the commodity, collect information and interact with regulatory and university staff. Second, frequently requested crops have organizations that fund researchers at Washington State University. University research data are essential to the development of a Section 18 request.

The longest running (or most repeated) Section 18 was for Ronilan 50W for control of gray mold and white mold on beans, primarily green beans. A Section 18 request was submitted 11 times during a 10-year period (In one year, separate requests were submitted for green beans and lima beans).

Approximately 67 pests or pest groups have required development of a Section 18 request. The exact number of pests involved is imprecise; several pests are described vaguely as weed, fungus, annual grass, perennial weed or root rot.

The most common pests or pest groups for which requests were submitted included mites (28), various aphids (28), root weevils (25), annual grasses (22), pear psylla (20) and various annual broadleaf weeds (20). The most commonly implicated pests were the two-spotted spider mite and pear psylla. Root weevils as a complex are common on a variety of crops. Although aphids were mentioned commonly in the requests, no particular aphid species was prominent. Rather, several aphid species on different crops have at various times been difficult to control.

Section 18 requests developed by WSDA
Year # of requests Year # of requests
1972 1 1986 9
1975 1 1987 14
1977 10 1988 16
1978 20 1989 20
1979 16 1990 17
1980 16 1991 20
1981 10 1992 25
1982 19 1993 21
1983 18 1994 23
1984 12 1995 20
1985 11 1996 19 (to date)

A brief case history - raspberry
Year Chemical Pest
1980 fenamiphos (Nemacur 3EC) root lesion nematode
1982-84 metalaxyl (Ridomil 2E) root rot
1982-86 vinclozolin (Ronilan 50W) Botrytis fruit rot
1982-84 methomyl (Lannate L/90%) oblique banded leafroller/spotted cutworm
1983-84 carbofuran (Furadan 4E) root weevil
1985 fenvalerate (Pydrin) oblique banded leafroller
1987 iprodione (Rovral 50W) Botrytis fruit rot
1987, 89, 91, 92 permethrin (Pounce/Ambush) root weevil
1987-88 dinitrophenol cane burndown
1991-95 oxyfluorfen (Goal 1.6E) cane burndown
1993-96 bifenthrin (Brigade WSB) root weevil

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Available Reports

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The relative risk of pesticides

Note: With the extreme amount of scrutiny currently focused on the health effects of pesticides, I found it interesting to see where pesticides fit into the following information ... Alan Schreiber

The American Council on Science and Health is a national consumer education organization concerned with issues related to food, chemicals, pharmaceuticals, lifestyle, the environment and human health. It has recently released information on the number and causes of preventable deaths in the United States. The accompanying table is excerpted directly from the report, with editing only to allow reformatting.

In a related note*, an extension publication by J. Waldrum, P. Brady and J.P. Spadley from the Arkansas Cooperative Extension Service stated that, "The current risk for an individual living in the U.S. of developing cancer from any cause is one in four. This means there is a 25% chance that each of us could develop some type of cancer, even a minor type. Pesticide residues on raw commodities permitted by EPA's current guidelines for allowing residues of a pesticide determined to cause cancer on test animals have been estimated to increase the potential risk of cancer by 0.0001%. According to toxicologists, this is less risk than eating one peanut butter sandwich, eating one raw mushroom or drinking one alcoholic beverage a day."

In a second related note, Ronald Estabrook (who served as chair of the National Academy of Sciences' National Research Council Committee that produced the February report, Carcinogens and Anticarcinogens in the Human Diet) recently stated that the connection between consumption of excess calories and cancer risk is a research area more worthy of exploration than studies to determine which of the hundreds of chemicals present in tiny amounts in the human diet might have carcinogenic effects.

*A copy of the Arkansas Cooperative Extension Service publication from which this information was excerpted, Pesticide Residues in Food: The Safety Issue, is available from Alan Schreiber.

Leading Preventable Causes of Premature Deaths

(United States, 1995)
Causes Deaths
Abuse of addictive substances


  • tobacco related


  • alcohol abuse


  • abuse of other addictive substances


Neglect of preventative care and inappropriate treatment


  • inadequate control of  blood pressure


  • failure to detect and treat cancer


  • inappropriate medical care


Hazardous lifestyle, other than drug abuse


  • reckless driving


  • reckless recreation


  • promiscuous sexual practices


  • lack of smoke detectors


Selected much-publicized hypothetical causes of death, 1995
  • trace levels of ...
    • dioxin
    • PCBs
    • pesticides
    • radiation from nuclear power plants
    • lead in air and water
    • food additives
unknown, but negligible

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A glimpse into ag's future

... Alan Schreiber

Much of the information for this article was adapted from the April, 1996 issue of the Biotech Reporter, provided courtesy of Ron Crockett.

I believe biotechnology may have a greater influence on the future of agriculture than any other social force in the next quarter century. While I lack a good grasp of the techniques and principles used in biotechnology laboratories, I am sufficiently aware of the investment companies have made in this area and the products soon to be appearing as a result of this investment. The global leader in agricultural biotechnology may be Monsanto. Historically, Monsanto's agricultural company was a conventional chemical company specializing in herbicides. In the 1980s, however, it made a major commitment to development of biotechnology products for agriculture. A look at the available products and those in the Monsanto developmental pipeline provides a glimpse into the future of agriculture.

When reviewing these products and their estimated time of arrival on the market, one must remember that the further a product is from commercialization, the more development is required and the likelihood of arrival to the market on time, or arrival at all, is less certain.

Monsanto ag biotech products on the market

* Roundup Ready soybeans

* Bt insect-resistant potatoes

* Bt insect-resistant cotton

* Roundup Ready canola - registration

Monsanto ag biotech products of the future


* Roundup Ready cotton

* Yieldgard (Bt) corn - for control of European cornborer

* canola with improved oil for cleaning/ personal care products

* canola with improved oil for confectionery products


* Bt insect-and-virus-resistant potatoes

* Roundup Ready corn

* bromoxynil-resistant cotton

* Bollgard (Bt insect-resistant cotton)

* canola with improved oils for marga- rine and shortening

* virus-protected tomatoes

* insect-protected tomatoes


* Roundup Ready sugar beets

* Roundup Ready oilseed rape

* higher solids potatoes

* plants producing biodegradable plastic polymers

* corn resistant to corn rootworms and other insects

* boll weevil-resistant cotton

* disease-resistant potatoes

* disease-resistant wheat

* soybeans with improved oils

* higher-yielding corn

* higher solids tomatoes

* higher sugar strawberry

* disease-resistant strawberry

* canola with improved oils for lubri- cants and biofuels

* plants producing naturally colored cotton fibers

Estimated annual sales for Monsanto's ag biotech products for the years 2000 to 2005 have been projected (by Monsanto) at $2.2 billion to $6.8 billion. Sales for herbicide tolerant crops are estimated to reach $0.8 billion to $1.1 billion and for agronomic crops, $0.8 billion to $2.1 billion annually. Sales of Monsanto ag biotech crops by the year 2005 are estimated to be 30% corn, 26% soybean, 18% potato, 12% canola, 7% tomato, 3% cotton, and 4% other crops.

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EPA cuts support for pesticide training

The US Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) announced recently at a meeting in Reno its intention to reduce EPA support for state pesticide applicator training programs by 88% for fiscal year 1996.

This means that EPA's support to Washington State University (WSU) will drop from about $26,000 annually to about $3,000. The cuts are being attributed to a refocusing of EPA, not to federal budget cuts. The question is: how will these cuts affect the WSU Cooperative Extension pesticide training effort?

Background on the issue is as follows. The Federal Insecticide Fungicide Rodenticide Act (FIFRA) requires those who use restricted use pesticides to be certified applicators. EPA, which administers FIFRA, approved a Washington state certification and training program in the mid 1970s to train and license certified applicators. The Washington State Department of Agriculture (WSDA) agreed to take the lead role in certification, while WSU Cooperative Extension undertook the education lead. EPA is mandated by FIFRA to fund up to 50% of the training program.

The pesticide training programs conducted during the past 15 years by WSU Cooperative Extension have been largely responsible for the fact that there are now approximately 25,000 licensed applicators, consultants and dealer managers in this state. Approximately 3,000 individuals each year take the state certification exams. To maintain a pesticide license, individuals must retest or obtain recertification training for their license category. Private applicators need 20 hours in five years; all other applicators, dealers and consultants need 40 hours in five years.

To accommodate the pre-licensing training needs of Washington pesticide users, WSU Cooperative Extension each year conducts 10 three-day applicator, consultant, dealer manager training programs and many one-day private applicator training programs.

WSU also conducts or participates in a large percentage of the state-approved pesticide recertification programs. These programs draw upon the expertise of WSU extension specialists, researchers, county agents, extension associate personnel, application industry personnel, and state regulatory agencies. These programs each year are attended by approximately 7,000 people.

When EPA initiated its support for pesticide training in the late 1970s, this support comprised up to 45% of the total spent on training in Washington. However, EPA's contributions over the past 10 years to the pesticide training effort have made up less than 10% of the total spent on training by WSU Cooperative Extension in this state. For 1996, EPA's contribution is projected to decline to less than 0.5% of WSU's pesticide training effort. This is because WSU's pesticide training programs are largely supported by funds generated by program registration fees.

In conclusion, we are dismayed by EPA's near abandonment of Extension Pesticide Training Programs. It would seem that EPA is no longer interested in promoting the safe, legal and effective use of pesticides. The good news is that EPA's actions will have little or no effect upon WSU Cooperative Extension's pesticide training efforts.

Gary Thomasson,
Extension Pesticide Education Specialist

Carol Ramsay,
WSU Pesticide Education
364 FSHN, Pullman, WA 99164-6382
phone: 509-335-9222
fax: 509-335-1009

Washington State University offers pesticide application training from November through March. Information may be obtained from one of the following:

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USDA NASS Ag Chemical Use

1994 Restricted Use Pesticide Summary

Commonly Used RUPs - National

Crop Ingredient % area applied millions lbs applied
potato (1.14 million
acres, 11 states)
azinphos-methyl (Guthion)



carbofuran (Furadan)



disulfoton (Di-Syston)



esfenvalerate (Asana)



ethoprop (Mocap)



fonofos (Dyfonate)



methamidiphos (Monitor)



oxamyl (Vydate)



permethrin (Ambush/Pounce)



phorate (Thimet)



sulfuric acid












metam-sodium (Vapam)



paraquat (Gramoxone)



winter wheat
(34.6 million acres,
13 states)
bromoxynil (Buctril)



diclofop-methyl (Hoelon)



picloram (Tordon)



chlorpyrifos (Lorsban)



ethyl parathion



methyl parathion



1,000 lbs

asparagus (80,650 acres,
five states)
paraquat (Gramoxone)



disulfoton (Di-Syston)



permethrin (Ambush/Pounce)



onions (127,800 acres,
nine states)
bromoxynil (Buctril)



cypermethrin (Cymbush)






methomyl (Lannate)



permethrin (Ambush/Pounce)



oxamyl (Vydate)









metam-sodium (Vapam)



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Soft white wheat

This information is from a Washington Wheat Commission funded study conducted by Oregon State University.

The April issue of Wheat Life, the monthly publication of the Washington Wheat Commission, contained an article on soft white wheat (SWW), an important but often under recognized regional crop. Of the five classes of wheat, soft white wheat is the least used in the U.S.; only 20% of national SWW production is used domestically, primarily for desserts. The major non-dessert use is for pancakes. The three Pacific Northwest states account for 90% of U.S. SWW production. Michigan, with 7% of national production, is the only other state with appreciable SWW acreage. As much as 85% to 90% of PNW production is exported, mostly to Pacific Rim countries. Virtually all SWW grown in the PNW for domestic use is milled in the West. SWW production increased by 34% in 1996.

1995 milled SWW flour uses (percent of total uses)
Pastry 21.7 Cookie 12.4 Cracker 6.4
Pancake 18.6 Muffin 9.1 All purpose 5.0
Cake 18.1 Cake/pastry 6.7 Batter 1.5
Other 0.5

Symposium on 2,4-D scheduled for July

The Northwest Food and Forest Education Foundation, Inc. plans a symposium on July 31, 1996 at the Janzen Beach Red Lion in Portland for the purpose of presenting the facts on 2,4-D. Speakers at the day-long forum, titled 2,4-D: A Symposium Presenting the Facts - Public Health, Environmental Fate, Toxicology and Epidemiology, are to present data from more than 270 studies of 2,4-D completed since 1988.

Agenda items include studies from 1988 to the present, reregistration requirements and the Task Force testing program, an overview of toxicology, environmental fate and residue studies, current testing status, dietary exposure to 2,4-D, epidemiological studies, The National Cancer Institute's new initiative, methodologic issues in studying farmer exposure to pesticides, public perception, and an update on the USDA/NAPIAP 2,4-D benefits assessments.

Speakers include Terry Witt of the Northwest Food and Forests Education Foundation, Inc; Donald L. Page, Executive Director of the 2,4-D Task Force; William Malburg, Chairman of the Toxicology Subcommittee; Karen S. Sherer, Chairman of the Dietary Risk Subcommittee; James A. Armbruster, Chairman of the Environmental Fate Subcommittee; Rebecca Johnson of Environmental & Occupational Health, University of Minnesota School of Public Health; and Carol J. Burns, The Dow Chemical Co.

Registration is $20 to cover the cost of lunch. Those planning on attending should send their name, company name, address and the number of people attending along with a $20 check per person to the Northwest Food and Forest Education Foundation, Inc., 3415 Commercial Street SE, Suite B, Salem, OR 97302, phone: 503-370-8092, fax: 503-370-8565.

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Plastic pesticide container
collection dates, requirements

Container requirements

1. Must be multiple rinsed, so that no residues remain.

2. Must be clean and dry inside and out, with no apparent odor.

3. Hard plastic lids and slip on lids must be removed.

4. Glue-on labels may remain.

5. The majority of the foil seal must be removed from the spout.
A small amount of foil remaining on the container rim is acceptable.

6. Half pint, pint, quart, one and two-and-a-half-gallon containers will
be accepted whole.

7. Five-gallon containers will be accepted whole if the lids and bails
are removed.

8. Special arrangements must be made for 30-gallon and 55-gallon
containers, by calling (509) 457-3850 prior to the collection.

Containers not meeting above specifications will not be accepted.

WPCA container collection dates for June

Date Site Sponsor/contact Phone
Moses Lake
Columbia Basin Crop
Consultants Assoc.
Jerry Ellis
John Jensen
Lower Columbia Basin
F & D Assoc.
Chris Berg
Othello Airport
Othello Air Applicators
Steve George
Columbia Basin
Veg./Seed Assoc.
Ron Turner
Wilbur-Ellis Wilbur-Ellis/Wolfkill
Al (Wilbur-Ellis)
Rick Florine (W. Kill)
Bleyhl Farm Service
Bleyhl Farm Service
Gary Herndon



Simplot Soil Builders
John Cullen



Ted Nullinger

For more information about plastic pesticide container collection, contact: Steve George
WPCA Recycling Coordinator
31 High Valley View St.
Yakima, WA 98901
(509) 457-3850
or the WAPP web site at http://www.wsu.edu:8080/~ramsay/wpca.html

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Officially Unofficial

...Alan Schreiber

"Officially Unofficial" is a regular feature that may include information considered inappropriate by some.

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Federal Issues


The following tolerances were granted by EPA since the last report (April 1996). These data do not mean that a label has been registered for this use. These pesticides must not be used until a label is registered with EPA or a state department of agriculture.

A=adjuvant D=desiccant D/H=desiccant, herbicide
F=fungicide FA=feed additive G=growth regulator H=herbicide
I-insecticide N=nematicide P=pheromone V=vertebrate repellent

Chemical* Petitioner Tolerance (ppm) Commodity
(H) Glyphosate Monsanto 4.0 kidney (cattle, goat, hog, horses, sheep)
75.0 alfalfa, forage
200.0 alfalfa, hay
20.0 soybeans; soybeans, grain
50.0 soybeans,  aspirated grain fractions
100.0 soybeans, forage
200.0 soybeans, hay
0.1 sunflower seed
(H) Tribenuron methyl DuPont 0.10 grass forage, fodder and hay group (except Bermudagrass); forage and hay
(H) Sulfonium, trimethyl-salt with N-(phosphonomethyl)
glycine (1:1) (formerly glyphosate-trimesium/sulfosate)
Zeneca 0.05 stone fruit group
0.1(a) fat (cattle, goats, hogs, horses, sheep)
1.0(a) mbyp (cattle, goats)
0.2(a) meat (cattle, goats, hogs, horses, sheep)
0.31(a) corn, fodder
0.1(a) corn, forage
0.22(a) corn, grain
0.02(a) eggs
0.2(a) milk
0.05(a) poultry fat, liver, meat
0.1(a) poultry mbyp
2.03(b) soybean, forage
210.04(b) soybean, aspirated grain fractions
5.05(b) soybean, hay
3.03(b) soybean, seed
0.26 prunes
7.05 soybean, hulls
(I) Avermectin B1 Merck 0.005 almonds; walnuts
0.02 apples
0.1 almonds, hulls; apples, wet pomace

(a) Time limited tolerance expires March 9, 1998
(b) Time limited tolerance expires April 10, 1998
1= no more than 0.2 ppm is trimethylsulfonium
2= no more than 0.1 ppm is trimethylsulfonium
3= no more than 0.1 ppm is trimethylsulfonium
4= no more than 0.1 ppm is trimethylsulfonium
5= no more than 0.1 ppm is trimethylsulfonium
6= no more than 0.1 ppm is trimethylsulfonium

Emergency Exemptions (Section 18)

Specific exemptions have been granted for the following uses:

Reregistration Notifications

Existing Stocks

The USEPA has amended its 1991 notice on the use of existing stocks of canceled, amended or suspended products. In the future, the USEPA will provide notice and an opportunity for comment when it intends to modify the existing stocks provision for a canceled pesticide for which the USEPA has a risk concern. Following a comment period, it will publish its final decision, findings and rationale when it modifies existing stocks provisions for chemicals of concern. This new policy results from a suit filed by the United Farmworkers of America on 8/15/95 challenging EPA's modification of the mevinphos cancellation order. As part of its settlement agreement, EPA agreed to amend its existing stocks policy to permit a greater degree of public involvement in its existing stocks dispositions.

Written comments, with reference to OPP-38512, should be sent in triplicate to EPA's Program Resource Section by 5/16/96. EPA has requested comments on the circumstances under which comment should be provided and whether 30 days is sufficient time for comment. For more information, contact: Mr. Richard Dumas, EPA, Special Review Branch, Phone: 703-308-8015, Fax: 703-308-8041,
E-mail: dumas.richard@epamail.epa.gov
Send written comments to: Program Resources Sect. (7505C), EPA, Field Operations Division, 401 M Street, SW, Washington, DC 20460,
E-mail: opp-docket@epamail.epa.gov

The source for this information, the Reregistration Notification Network, is a cooperative effort of USDA-NAPIAP, Interregional Project No. 4 (IR-4), U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (USEPA), and the American Crop Protection Association (ACPA).

For additional information on any reregistration notification, contact the individual(s) listed or contact:

Alan Schreiber
WSU Pesticide Coordinator
100 Sprout Road
Richland, WA 99352-1643
Phone: 509-372-7378
Fax: 509-372-7460

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State Issues

Special Local Needs (Section 24c)

Label restrictions for Special Local Needs in Washington: The following pesticide use has been granted label registration by the Washington State Department of Agriculture under the provision of Section 24(c) amended FIFRA.

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Contributors to the Agrichemical and Environmental News:

Alan Schreiber, Allan Felsot, Catherine Daniels, Mark Antone, Carol Weisskopf, Eric Bechtel

If you would like to include a piece in a future issue of the Agrichemical and Environmental News or subscribe to the newsletter, please contact Catherine Daniels.

Contributions, comments and subscription inquiries may be directed to: Catherine Daniels, Food and Environmental Quality Laboratory, Washington State University, Tri-Cities campus, 2710 University Drive, Richland, WA 99352-1671. Phone: 509-372-7495. Fax: 509-372-7491. E-mail: cdaniels@tricity.wsu.edu

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