PNN Update

Jane Thomas, Pesticide Notification Network Coordinator, WSU

The PNN is operated by WSU's Pesticide Information Center for the Washington State Commission on Pesticide Registration. The PNN is designed to distribute pesticide registration and label change information to groups representing Washington's pesticide users. The material below is a summary of the information distributed on the PNN in the past month.

Our office operates a web page called PICOL (Pesticide Information Center On-Line). This provides a label database, status on registrations, and other related information. PICOL can be accessed on URL or call our office, (509) 372-7492, for more information.

Federal Issues

Label Changes
Platte has revised the label for its insecticide Carbaryl 4L. The directions provided for fruit thinning use on apples have been revised to now allow for use between 90% petal fall and 9mm fruit size. A pollinator protection statement has also been added.

Section 18 Specific Exemptions
On April 28, 1998, EPA approved a Section 18 regional specific exemption (file symbol 98-WA-10) for the use of Folicur 3.6F to control barley stripe rust on barley. This exemption allows for use on 175,000 acres in Washington and expires 8/15/98.

On April 28, 1998, EPA approved a specific exemption (file symbol 98-WA-33) for the use of both Roundup Ultra and Roundup Ultra RT on dry peas, chickpeas, and lentils. This exemption allows for the use of glyphosate on 19,685 acres and expires October 1, 1998.

On May 6, 1998, EPA granted a specific exemption (file symbol 98-WA-36) for the use of Stinger to control Canada thistle in canola. This exemption limits the use of Stinger on canola to a total of 4,500 acres. Further restrictions apply in Spokane county where application is limited to spot treatment by ground equipment and a 150 foot buffer zone is required to protect any year-round water sources. This exemption expires July 31, 1998.

On May 6, 1998, EPA granted two specific exemptions for fungicide use on hops to control powdery mildew. The first (file symbol 98-WA-05) provides for the use of Rubigan EC; the second (file symbol 98-WA-06), is for the use of Rally 40 WSP. Both exemptions expire October 1, 1998.

On May 8, 1998, EPA approved a Section 18 specific exemption (file symbol 98-WA-13) for the use of Brigade WSB to control weevils on raspberries. This exemption expires on August 10, 1998.

On May 15, 1998, EPA approved three Section 18 emergency exemptions for the use of the herbicide Starane EC on wheat (98-WA-17), barley (98-WA-18), and sweet corn (98-WA-20) to control volunteer potatoes. The exemptions are for use on 8,000 acres of barley, 65,000 acres of wheat, and 65,000 acres of sweet corn in Adams, Benton, Franklin, Grant, Kittitas, Klickitat, Lincoln, Skagit, Spokane, Walla Walla, Whatcom, and Yakima counties. The exemptions expire August 1, 1998.

Supplemental Labels and Use Recommendations
A supplemental label has been issued for Roundup Ultra. This supplemental label provides directions for the use of this herbicide on nonbearing ginseng.

A supplemental label has been issued for Du Pont's Express herbicide. This supplemental label provides directions for use on grasses grown for seed.

Bayer Corporation has issued a supplemental label for its fungicide Elite 45DF. The supplemental label allows for aerial application of this product. Elite 45DF is registered for use on cherries, nectarines, and peaches.

Du Pont has revised the supplemental label it previously issued for the use of its miticide Vendex 50WP on raspberries. The revision reduces the preharvest interval from 7 days to 3.

Micro Flo has issued a 2ee use recommendation for their fungicide Captec 4L. The use recommendation clarifies the Section 3 label use directions by providing dilution instructions for use on apples in Oregon and Washington.

State Issues

New Registrations
WSDA has issued a registration to Howard Johnsons for its herbicide Balan 2.5G Crabgrass Preventer. This product is registered for use on lawn and turf.

WSDA has registered a new fungicide for use in Washington. The product is Vangard WG by Novartis and is registered for use on almonds, pomefruits (apples, crabapples, and pears), grapes, and stone fruits (apricots, cherries, nectarines, peaches, plums, and prunes). The active ingredient in Vangard WG is cyprodinil.


Section 18 Crisis Exemptions
On April 30, 1998, WSDA issued a Section 18 crisis exemption for the use of Capture 2EC to control cabbage and turnip aphid on canola and rapeseed. The exemption expires on August 15, 1998.

On April 28, 1998, WSDA issued a Section 18 crisis exemption for the use of Orbit to control yellow rust on raspberries. This exemption expires November 1, 1998.

On April 28, 1998, WSDA issued a Section 18 crisis exemption for the use of Rally 40 W to control powdery mildew on mint. This exemption allows for use on 11,225 acres and expires November 1, 1998.

On May 7, 1998, WSDA issued a Section 18 crisis exemption for the use of the herbicide Tough 3.75EC to control broadleaf weeds in chickpeas. This exemption expires July 15, 1998.

On May 8, 1998, WSDA issued a Section 18 crisis exemption for the use of Danitol 2.4EC to control currant cane borer and currant stem girdler in currants. This exemption expires June 14, 1998.

On May 28, 1998, WSDA issued a Section 18 crisis exemption for the use of the insecticide Pirimor 50-DF for the control of aphids in vegetable seed crops. This exemption limits use to 6,000 acres total of the following seed crops: arugula, beet (table), broccoli raab, Brussels sprouts, cabbage, cauliflower, Chinese cabbage, Chinese kale, Chinese mustard, collard, coriander, endive, kale, kohlrabi, lettuce, mustard, parsley, parsnip, radish (excluding daikon), rape greens, rutabaga, spinach, spinach mustard, Swiss chard, and turnip (including fodder). Use under this exemption is allowed from 5/29/98 to 9/15/98.

Section 24c Registrations
On April 30, 1998, WSDA issued an SLN (WA-980017) to Drexel for the use of its insecticide Endosulfan 3EC, through chemigation, to control Colorado potato beetle, armyworm, and aphids on potatoes. This is a "me-too" registration, similar to WA-900023, previously issued to FMC for the use of Thiodan 3EC. This SLN expires December 31, 1998.

On April 30, 1998, WSDA issued an SLN (WA-980015) to Gowan for the use of its insecticide Endosulfan 3EC to control clover head aphid in clover seed crops. This registration expires December 31, 1998.

On April 30, 1998, WSDA issued an SLN to FMC for the use of its insecticide Thiodan 3EC to control spotted alfalfa aphids and lygus bugs in alfalfa seed crops. This SLN is intended to replace WA-880012 previously issued for this same use. This SLN provides for use of Thiodan 3EC at a rate of 1.0# ai per acre versus the 0.5# ai per acre given for SLN WA-880012. This SLN expires December 31, 1998.

On May 15, 1998, WSDA issued a Section 24c registration for the use of Novartis' Agri-Mek 0.15EC to control twospotted spider mite in alfalfa grown for seed. This SLN expires 12/31/98.

Section 24c Cancellations
At the request of Gowan Company, WSDA has cancelled all of the Washington SLN's issued for the use of its insecticide Imidan 50WP. The reason for these cancellations is that Gowan is no longer marketing this product. The subject SLN's are:

WA-770035 - For control of European pine shoot moth in pine trees.
WA-790047 - For control of certain insects in shade and ornamental trees.
WA-920029 - For the control of blueberry maggot and leafrollers in blueberries.

On May 20, 1998, WSDA issued a letter canceling SLN WA-900037. This SLN had previously been issued for the use of Lexone DF for weed control on winter wheat, barley, and fallow. The cancellation was requested by Du Pont because these use directions are now included in the main product label.

Section 24c Revisions
WSDA has issued a revision to SLN WA-970020. This SLN had previously been issued for the use of Savey 50WP to control twospotted spider mites on alfalfa grown for seed. The revision includes the removal of the expiration date.

On May 13 WSDA issued a revision to SLN WA-980001. This SLN had previously been issued for the use of Gowan's Cryolite Bait on blackberries, blueberries, boysenberries, dewberries, loganberries, raspberries, strawberries, and youngberries to control black vine weevil, rough strawberry root weevil, and strawberry root weevil. At the request of EPA, the revision removes the uses on blackberries, boysenberries, dewberries, loganberries, and youngberries. Gowan has indicated that they plan to again include these crops on the SLN after IR-4 submits completed data packages for these crops to EPA.

WSDA has issued a revision to SLN WA-960008. This SLN had previously been issued to Plumb Creek Timber Company for the use of Metasystox-R to control various cone and seed insects in seed orchard trees. The revision removes the expiration date.

On May 21, 1998, WSDA issued a revision to SLN WA-970026. This SLN had previously been issued to Drexel for the use of its insecticide Dimethoate 4EC to control aphids in peas. The changes made to the SLN include revising the pollinator protection statement and removing the expiration date.

On May 21, 1998, WSDA issued a revision to SLN WA-960033. This SLN had previously been issued to Rohm and Haas for the use of its herbicide Goal 2XL through sprinkler irrigation to control broadleaf weeds and grasses in dry bulb onions. The revision removes the expiration date.

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